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Pigmented Wax Resin

For the Conservation of Paintings

Colors-available-in-individual-sticksPigmented Wax/Resin (PWR) is ideal for filling losses in paintings. The material is easy to manipulate using moderately heated tools to quickly fill losses. The texture of canvas weave and paint can be impressed into the material to match the adjacent surface, or the fill can be sculpted to match adjacent brushwork. Cracks and other physical irregularities of an aged painting are easily replicated using dental tools.

Since the PWR fill is placed in the loss area only, there is no residue on the surrounding paint. This eliminates the possibility of ghosting in dark passages which can occur using other methods. Choosing from our 12 colors to match the paint or underpainting will facilitate inpainting. The balance of wax, resin, and pigment results in a hard, somewhat brittle material, that resists deformation at room temperature. The material accepts inpainting and varnish readily. 

Our PWR was developed at Buffalo State College Art Conservation Department under the leadership of James Hamm with considerable research performed by Christine McIntyre. Gamblin Conservation Colors is grateful to them for choosing us to bring this wonderful material to the paintings conservator in the spirit of making your work easier.

As of June 2023, Pigmented Wax Resin 12-Color and Neutral Grey sets are discontinued. All colors will continue to be available for purchase as individual Pigmented Wax Resin Single Sticks.  





  • Easily textured and sculpted to match surrounding  paint texture
  • Pigmentation facilitates inpainting
  • Physical properties of the fill will resemble the physical properties of an aged oil painting.
  • Excellent adhesive qualities
  • No ghosting residues
  • Moisture Resistant
  • Indefinite shelf life
  • Relatively easy to reverse

Gamblin PWR is composed of Beeswax, Microcrystalline Wax, Laropal ® A-81 and lightfast pigments.

Technical research paper:

Christine McIntyre
May 13, 2011

Tools to use to work with Pigmented Wax Resin


Whipmix Wax CarvingPencil Single

Whipmix Wax CarvingPencil Single, includes 8 Tips
This Item is available in the US from Talas in Brooklyn New York



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